Advice - Approvals

Planning: Domestic Works
Depending on the scale and nature of the works, a set of plans will be prepared by an architect which are submitted to the Local Authority as part of the planning process.

Whilst minor domestic and commercial projects require limited engineering input, more and more Local Authorities now condition the civil design works (drainage) as part of the planning process.

Planning: Site Development
We are increasingly seeing a need to produce reports for Coal Mining Risk Assessments and Flood Studies, as well as detailed design for drainage, and road junctions including visibility splays.

Building Warrant
Please refer to the appropriate pages of this site.

Scottish Water
The approval of Scottish Water is required in a number of situations, such as:

  • Forming a new connection to an existing sewer
  • Increasing the discharge of surface water to an existing combined sewer
  • Building over an existing sewer

Contaminated Land
Where construction is proposed on a site which has had a previous use (brownfield) it is normally a requirement of planning consent to investigate the ground conditions at the site and submit a report for the approval of the local authority contaminated land officer. Such a report is prepared by a specialist geo-environmental engineer and must identify the nature and extent of any contamination and propose appropriate remedial works.